Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The 6 P's of Being a Children's Book Writer: Passion


Fox and Hare. The 6 P's of Being a Children's Book Writer

Hello Fellow Creative!

Welcome to Wild Hare Wanderings! I know your busy, and your inbox is full. So, I want to make sure that you are getting a short and sweet note from me that won't take up much of your time, but provide you with some great content on how to create your best children's book EVER! This newsletter will hit your email inbox every other week.
My apologies to all of you! I had a whirlwind of a move that landed me across the country. I moved from Orlando, FL to Albuquerque, NM in the span of about three weeks. Crazy, right?!
Now I'm back on track to bring you some juicy tidbits to get your children's book off the ground. Let's start from the beginning!

The 6 P's of Being a Great Children's Book Writer: Passion

I suppose it goes without saying that having passion for writing is a must if you want to be a children's book writer, but what else does it mean?
Here are a few questions to ask yourself to test your passion:
1. Can you sit for hours writing, revising, editing, or illustrating?
2. Do you find yourself writing or illustrating even though you don't have an official project?
3. Do you make a conscious effort to practice your writing or drawing skills daily?
4. Would you write or illustrate even if you didn't get paid?
5. Will you keep trying even in the face of rejection?

If you answered "yes" to all of the questions above, you have the passion it takes to become a children's book creative. If there were one or two "Nos" in there really evaluate your passion for this industry. The skills to be a great writer or illustrator will come with practice. It's something anyone with passion can learn.
However, if there is a lack of passion, you won't be able to make it through the tough times of being a children's book creative. The negatives will begin to outweigh the positives. And that's never a good thing!
As Creatives, we struggle whether by our own design or those put in front of us by rejection and an industry that doesn't like change or going with the unknown.
You have to be stronger than that and have a thick skin. This is where your passion comes in.
Do you have the passion it takes to be a Children's Book Author or Illustrator? Tell me in the comments below.
PS. Next time, let's look at your Purpose. Why do you want to be a Children's Book Creative?

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